Smith's Jewelers features many unique pieces of fine jewelery with personalized and helpful service. Gary Smith is a Master Goldsmith, a Graduate Gemologist of the Gemological Institute of America(G.I.A.), as well as a Master Gemologist Appraiser. With over 35 years in the profession, his skills and abilities have earned him the reputation for being one of the finest goldsmiths and gemologists in the country.

George Washington's Watch Key
In July of 2003, Gary L. Smith, was commissioned to replicate an ornate watch key owned by George Washington. The original key is housed in the Atwater Kent Museum in Philadelphia. After traveling to Philadelphia and much research, the replica was started. It took several months to accomplish but the result was phenomenal. It was an exact replica.

Gary L. Smith
Forensic Jeweler™/Forensic Gemologist®
G.G., A.G.S. - C.G.A., A.G.A. - A.S.G., A.S.A. - M.G.A.
Master Gemologist Appraiser®